Health services
- On quarterly basis make a request for replenishment of essential medicines and medical supplies at accredited health unit.
- On monthly basis carry out HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns, voluntary testing and treatment especially at the most vulnerable areas like villages, kraals and resettlement areas.
- Implement 95-95-95 MoH strategy in prevention of HIV/AIDS infection.
- Ensure a health worker attends to client within 30 minutes from time of registration on arrival at health unit.
- On monthly basis track and report health workers attendance to duty
- Submit monthly HMIS data to MoH
- Develop an emergency response plan on health-related issues annually.
- Ensure environmental health workers pay home visits at least once every three months
- Carry out health education campaigns on quarterly basis among the population.
- Carry out a “keep/villages clean” campaign at least once a year.
- Conduct capacity building sessions for health workers for performance improvement.